Whether you are buying an established home or looking at building a brand new home from a plan, one thing is for sure, the kitchen will be the most important room in your home.
It is the place where the whole family gather in the morning for the start of the day. The kitchen is always the hub of the home and it needs to cater for your specific needs.
You may have several kiddies running around under your feet while you are trying to get lunches packed, notes signed for the teacher and maybe hubby can’t find one of his work socks.
This is the start of your day and it needs to go well. Starting with where the family will actually sit to eat their breakfast, you need to consider if a breakfast bar would be more manageable than table and chairs, and making sure the sink is not right in the place where you would need to set up the places for eating.
The pantry is another very important player in modern family kitchens. Not only do you need to store your groceries, but this is great storage for electrical appliances that are not used regularly, getting them off the all important bench top.
Make sure your pantry shelving is varied in height and deep enough to hold those cartons and bulk items you get when on special. Be mindful that you need to be able to reach all the way to the back of the shelves with out standing on a chair.
The fridge space is another important appliance in kitchens to think about, there are so many different sizes of fridges these days, and you need to think seriously about what size fridge space you need now and into the future. This is not something easily changed later on.
As the list goes on and on it becomes quite obvious that this is not an easy task - planning the perfect space to suit the needs of your family.
The sensible thing to do is to visit some display homes and look through home style magazines.
If you have found a great established home in the perfect area but the kitchen is not suitable, why not visit the experts at Kilfoy Cabinets in Cairns.
Their friendly and helpful team will be happy to go through your ideas, as well as offer you their expert knowledge and advice on other options as well. Not only will you get the very best design ideas and manufacturing from their local Cairns Cabinet Makers and local Cairns Kitchen Designers, but you will be very proud of your unique, one of a kind kitchen.
Save yourself some time and stress a little less, visit Kilfoy Cabinets in Cairns and let them help you to get the kitchen you have always dreamed of.